Love it and goodness, this is so funny to me because I had two kids who were SUPER attached to their first tooth!! My eldest did the same thing yours did--wrote a letter of explanation and negotiation. My youngest held her tooth in her mouth by clamping her jaws shut for two days. 😳 I mean, she didn’t eat, didn’t really talk. It was so stressful. Finally we convinced her it was okay for it to come out, and she literally opened her mouth and it fell out. This was after she’d been so excited for it to fall out and was kind of a “late bloomer” as far as teeth go!! Anyway, kids. They are a mystery wrapped in an enigma. 🫠

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Those cerulean eyes 💕 Loved reading this again in the wild, friend! And absolutely adding these cookies to me to-be-baked list (TBB...like TBR 😂 lol)

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I have a houseful of kids (even the teenagers) who sincerely grieve the loss of anything that they have once considered important. I get itchy to get rid of these momentos. Thank you for reminding me that they deserve to keep their treasures 💛.

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Oh your precious daughter! What a sweet soul. All in their own time.

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I'm excited to try this recipe. Even more important is how much your words moved me this morning. You made me want to write more, and to remember all the details of this magical season of treasures shoved in drawers and stuffed animals that should be placed just so. Thank you for that ❤️

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So glad to see this out in the world, Dani!!!

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Love to see this out in the world, and with a cookie recipe!

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I'm so glad to find a fellow mom who allowed for the tooth to be kept and who also isn't the best "tooth fairy". I was starting to think I was the only one failing in this department. Also, thanks for the recipe. Why are peanut butter cookies so hard to get right?

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