Dani, this piece is so beautiful and so vivid and so relatable. You’ve totally inspired me to write my own. I love this so much!

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Oh I’m looking forward to reading yours if you share it!

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Dani, you’ve written poignantly about a struggle I feel everyday! The meeting of everyone’s needs, which is a JOY, tends to take precedence over my writing about all I’m learning in the midst of it. I totally get it.

For what it’s worth, your photography is beautiful and the way you use it now, to add to your stories and illustrate life, is very well done.

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Thank you Wendy! Such is the writers life, many documents and notebooks filled with things to write about, eventually. 😂😂

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Love this essay so much. You’ve captured what it’s like to live and be a writer.

I can’t write because there are too many flowers to plant and fuss over in my garden (and son’s school garden).

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Yay for beautiful flowers though. I’m sure the garden lends to plenty of writing metaphors lol

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Beautiful, Dani!! So relatable. My husband works long hours too, and it does feel easier to feel sorry for myself about it than writing.

Also, your kids' school does "silent lunch"? Is this a remnant from Covid? What is happening? This is unacceptable.

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Silent lunch isn’t a normal occurrence- apparently it is a result of loud behavior from the kids but it’s just one of those things that kills me.

If I’m being honest it’s been a great fit for my kids, but I also feel like they should be home. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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I can't write because I am still adjusting to the three kid life six months in and I also do photography and *try* to keep up to date with yearly photobooks and that beckons me quicker sometimes. I can't write because I've got too many other "me" things to fill in the spare moments of my day 🙈

I so relate to do many of yours! I really enjoyed reading this and I love your photography 😍 I too want my photography to enhance my writing and vice versa!

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Loved this Dani. How good is this prompt?! It's great to see your words again 😘😘

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“I can’t write because most of what I think about writing feels too personal or not mine to share.” Hi, it’s me. So good.

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Yes to so many of these things! And thank you for being honest about the dog hair. It makes me feel good knowing I’m not the only one.

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I need to write one of these myself to get unstuck! This one especially resonated: “I can’t write because most of what I think about writing feels too personal or not mine to share.”

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From the first line “I can’t write1 because it is a beautiful weekend in May and my kids are home.”—you had me…this was so beautiful, honest and relatable, Dani. I loved hearing your specific reasons and at the same time could see own reasons between your lines of beautifully woven words—I’m REALLY glad you wrote those out and shared it with us 💚 and the photos!? 🫶🏻

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“I can’t write because I have too many books to read.”

Ahhh this is me toooo!!! 📚

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