Beautiful pics! 1) SO many words!! That's amazing!! 2) Come to Montana! It's a dry heat! 😉

3) Please remember what book this is -- it sounds like something I would write about/would like to read. 🌾 6) The Opt Out Family is up next on my TBR pile!

Keep sharing!!

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One day I will visit Montana! It’s on our family’s list of states we want to visit, hopefully near you! You’ll have to let me know if you loved The Opt Out Family as much as I did!!

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Those photos are just gorgeous! I love the bubble ones! I always try to take beautiful bubble photos with my kids and they always come out crazy haha. Going to check out that Free Range Kids book now - appreciate the rec!!

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Don’t you worry, I have plenty of attempts of photos that just didn’t turn out, you just don’t see those 😂😂

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Ah I love this and I resonate with point number 4) (whoops... I think anyway) about writing so my poor husband doesn't have to hear all my words all the time since I love to talk 😂 and those photos are beautiful 😍 I especially love the bubble ones!

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Thank you so much! I loved the bubble ones a lot too! Plus she had so much fun while I took them. Win win!

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Cheers friends!! Love all of this and you’re inspiring! Also I’d smile and would love to sit at your desk!

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Thanks Kim!! The rainbow is a bit muted, but really brings out the color in the corner a lot! I’m loving it 😄

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Your photos are gorgeous! I’m hoping to hunt down a copy of The Opt-Out Family this summer, too!

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I highlighted so much of it, definitely worth the purchase for me!

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So impressed by your word count! The heat sounds brutal. And I’m fired up after reading the Anxious Generation, too!

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The opt out family was the perfect follow up! Definitely recommend!

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